The holidays incite within us a sense of joy. It’s a peace we don’t often attribute to the rest of the year. This season encourages kindness; it promotes goodhearted acts that spread throughout the community.
And yet, it’s easy to get lost. It’s far too easy to lose yourself in the chaos promoted by retail giants and the media from October onwards. But the expenses accrued in the name of the holidays only makes the season less meaningful.
It’s simple to forget the true message this time of year brings. Kindness, happiness, gratitude – these are things we deserve all year round.
Throughout the holiday season, we lose track of joy. We forget its importance. We forget to keep it with us. We get wrapped up in what matters to others and forget to enjoy the little things. We forget that it’s okay to downsize; to focus instead on family and laughter.
We forget that it’s okay to make this holiday season our own. But remember – you are more than welcome to make this season less of a spectacle. Instead, you can spend time focusing on what really matters.
Because really, the things that make life worth living aren’t sitting in your closet or on your bookshelf. The significance of life comes from the laughter that lights your living room. It’s shown in the joy you experience during that first snowfall. It’s illuminated in the happiness that comes from watching holiday classics with family.
Joy is a hugely significant piece of the human spirit. It’s a part of you that you cannot give up, regardless of your surroundings or path.
Keeping joy alive now will help you into the new year and beyond.
Here are a few simple ways you can bring more joy to your home this holiday season.
1) Don’t let anyone intrude on your happiness.
Your happiness matters. When life gets dreary, your happiness rests on you. It relies on your ability to move on from whatever is holding you back. This holiday season, you can’t let anyone – or anything – diminish your personal sense of joy.
Be cautious with your happiness. Don’t let something minor squash it. When you are happy, it shows. And trust me – it’s a good look for you.
2) Remember that those you hold most dear matter.
We often get wrapped up in ourselves. We forget the people who make us smile. We lose track of those who have made a difference in our lives and continue to do so.
We forget to thank the people who matter most.
Throughout this holiday season, remember that those you hold most dear matter. The people who have been with you from the beginning are important. Make sure they know you care. Help them remember that while you can’t talk with them weekly, you recognize their significance and are thankful for it.
Don’t let them miss out on gratitude this season.
3) Tend to your personal needs.
The holidays tend to bring out a sense of urgency in all of us. They have a knack of illuminating habits that force us to multi-task; that make us run when we would rather walk.
But you can’t rush all season.
You matter just as much as the next person. You are just as significant as the person you’re about to buy a gift for. And yes, it’s easy to forget yourself when you’re concentrating on gifting, decorating, and attending holiday parties. But you must pay careful attention to yourself. You must make sure you’re healthy – in both mind and spirit.
Don’t let the bustle of the holidays undermine your inner-peace. You matter far too much to let that become your daily norm throughout the season.
4) Remember that giving is just as beneficial – if not more so – as receiving.
The concept of gifting can become strenuous. It’s easy to get wrapped up in it.
What new phone will I get this year? Will that new jacket I’ve been wanting be waiting with my name on it?
During this time of year, these types of questions fill our minds far more than we care to admit. It isn’t because we’re selfish. It’s because receiving gifts has become the norm. But we have to remember that the act of giving is just as significant. We must remember that giving without receiving anything in return is not a bad thing.
It’s okay to focus more on the thought of a gift rather than its worth.
Let’s face it – times are tough for many of us. It isn’t easy to come up with the funds to get your spouse that new tablet he’s been eyeing. But what you can do is provide a meaningful holiday season by giving something that matters. How? Give the gift of time. Write out a well-crafted note. Get him something small that means more than that new item.
It’s the thought that matters.
Don’t forget the importance of giving this season. It will bring more joy to your home than you know.
5) Spread kindness to all.
Kindness, as we all know, makes the world go round. And during the holiday season, it becomes even more special.
At its core, kindness is a gift. It’s something you provide to someone whether they need it or not. Why? Because you know it’s contagious.
And at this time of year, we could always do with more of it. So be kind. Spread kindness to others. In turn, your home will be brighter and that much more joyful.
Bring Home Joy This Holiday Season!
It’s not easy to stay true to the holiday season, but you can always bring more joy into your home. You may feel your home is already joyful, and perhaps it is. But in life, there is always room to grow. There is always the potential to shine brighter – especially during this time of year.
In the spirit of the holidays, don’t let anyone intrude on your happiness. Spread kindness and generosity to all you can. Remember the benefits of giving. Take care of yourself. And remember – the people you hold most dear matter. Treat them with the respect and love they deserve.
In time, your home will shine with more joy this season than you know.