Your journey will never be simple.
Life is muddy; chaotic. Losing yourself in your surroundings is far too easy. And in this world of opportunity, keeping track of your ambitions isn’t always a simple task.
Our minds aren’t capable of handling everything that is thrown our way. You may be a passionate multi-tasker, but it’s impossible to be always on the run. Being constantly on the move, non-stop, without so much as a glance at your surroundings – this task is far easier said than done.
And yet we continue.
We keep moving past the good things. We continue running past the moments and experiences that make us who we are. We speed past the moments that helped carve us into the individuals we are today.
Why? Why do we so easily pass the moments that require our attention?
Because we are hell-bent on reaching the end.
The end of the journey drives us. We ache to finish. We yearn for that sense of completion. You know, the feeling you get when you finish training for that marathon. Or the relief you feel once you’ve graduated from college.
Instead of acknowledging our surroundings, we pursue the journey towards our goals. We don’t do this to experience the journey. Rather, we do it to reach a means to an end.
Yet we can’t always strive for the end of the line.
Experience the Journey
Isn’t the journey just as important as the goal? Aren’t life’s experiences worth our time? Shouldn’t we place the same emphasis on the how as we do the what?
Something is better than nothing – you’ve likely heard this before. People believe it. They feel that ultimately, you must reach the end of that rainbow before the timer runs out; before your life dissipates before your eyes.
But the path to that something is always worth the effort. And the more present you are while participating in that journey, the more content you’ll feel; the more satisfied you’ll be.
Your journey will never be easy. The road to what you want will throw you for a loop.
You will be tossed from a livable wage to a paycheck received too late to make the bills. You may be forced to walk the less traveled path. And all of this, these disheartening experiences, may take you from strong and confident to weak and humble.
And yet the experience will be worth it. The lessons learned will be unmatched.
Don’t stop living because you ache for the endgame of life.
Don’t stop focusing on your surroundings because you haven’t finalized your career.
Learn, Live, and Progress
A motto worth living by, to say the very least. It’s a notion we would all do well to remember.
Nothing is ever as it seems. Speeding past one of those first experiences may get you from Point A to Point B sooner. But it won’t relieve your curiosity. It won’t quiet your thirst for new experiences.
Stop once in a while.
Breathe, experience, and repeat. It’s as simple as that.